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EWRS 2015


The ESENIAS-TOOLS project and the possibilities for regional cooperation in the weed research and management in the East and South European countries were presented at the 17th European Weed Research Society Symposium 2015 (EWRS 2015): Weed management in changing environments, 23-26 June, Montpellier, France.


The symposium was organised by the European Weed Research Society and attended by over 300 weed scientists, representing official, commercial, university and independent research organisations.The motto of the symposium was ‘Weed management in changing environments’. The programme included different working groups and sessions, such as: ‘Weed biology’, ‘New management approaches’ and ‘Chemical weed management’, covering also the topic of invasive alien species (IAS). For example, the session “New management approaches” included mapping and detection possibilities, which technologies can be adapted to IAS detection and mapping. Some of the presented tools can be used to make more precise detection and mapping of IAS in the ESENIAS region under ESENIAS-TOOLS project.


Prof. Ahmet Uludag presented our poster ‘ESENIAS-TOOLS: A concrete regional activity’ within the session ‘New challenges’. The project was introduced and explained to attendees during the poster session and during the symposium. Discussions with colleagues from the COST actions Alien Challenge and Smarter were held.


Conference website >>>





Published abstract:

Uludağ A., T. Trichkova, R. Tomov, V. Vladimirov, R. Scalera 2015. ESENIAS-TOOLS: A concrete regional activity. 17th European Weed Research Society Symposium 'Weed management in changing environments', 23-26 June 2015, Montpellier, France, pp.: 272.