Species alerts
- First record of Erigeron sumatrensis (Asteraceae) for FYR Macedonia
- First record of Diplachne fascicularis (Poaceae) for Bulgaria
- New marine records in the ESENIAS region (July 2016)
- Dryocosmus kuriphilus in the ESENIAS region
- Clementia papyracea established in the Mediterranean Sea and first record from Greece
Essenias News
- ESENIAS & DIAS conference 2024 and 13th ESENIAS Workshop
- 12th ESENIAS and DIAS Conference 2023 and 12th ESENIAS Workshop – Outcomes
- ESENIAS & DIAS conference 2023 and 12th ESENIAS Workshop
- ESENIAS and DIAS Conference 2022 and 11th ESENIAS Workshop – Outcomes
- ESENIAS & DIAS conference 2022 and 11th ESENIAS Workshop
Danube River expedition 2015 |
The 4th Danube River expedition
The 4th Danube River expedition on invasive alien species (IAS) was organised in the period from 31 August 2015 – 12 September 2015, within the ESENIAS-TOOLS project.
A total of 34 sites were sampled in the Bulgarian stretch of the Danube River from Vrav, 840 rkm, to Vetren, 395 rkm, of them 20 sites in the Danube River, 6 sites in the lower reaches of the Danube tributaries, and 8 sites in the adjacent standing water bodies. The field sampling was performed from the shore in the section from Vrav to Lom, and by boat from Lom to Vetren.
About 100 samples of epilithic diatoms, benthic macroinvertebrates, molluscs, crayfish, and fish were collected. A high percentage of the recorded species, in particular benthic macroinvertebrates, were alien, and some of them had very high abundance (e.g. Corbicula fluminea, Anodonta woodiana). Newly invaded sites of some alien species of fish (Ameiurus melas, Perccottus glenii) were found (see Species alert section).
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