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2nd EASIN enlargement and training



2nd EASIN Enlargement Workshop


ESENIAS participated in the 2nd EASIN (European Alien Species Information Network) Enlargement Workshop, which took place on 6-7 October 2015, in the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy. The workshop aimed at: a) increasing awareness about EASIN and its role as information supporting system assisting Member States in the implementation of the EU Regulation (1143/2014), b) establishing collaborations amongst the scientific network and increasing the number of EASIN data partners, and c) addressing data standardisation issues and protocols for sharing information on alien species.


Eleven databases and organisations on alien species participated in the workshop and presented their work. EASIN presented its catalogue, databases, tools and services. A training session was organised, including registration to EASIN portal, searching for information on a single species or a group of taxa, creating maps and sharing queries or generated maps, using social networks.


ESENIAS presented the ESENIAS-TOOLS project and the progress of ESENIAS database. Future collaboration with EASIN within the frame of the project was discussed.


ESENIAS-TOOLS presentation >>>