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6th ESENIAS Workshop: ESENIAS-TOOLS Kick-Off Meeting



The 6th ESENIAS Workshop: East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species – A tool to support the management of alien species in Bulgaria (ESENIAS-TOOLS); ESENIAS-TOOLS Kick-Off Meeting will be held from 26th to 30th October 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria.


The workshop has been organised by the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS) and ESENIAS, and supported by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014, Programme BG03 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, within the ESENIAS-TOOLS project.


The 6th ESENIAS workshop and ESENIAS-TOOLS project kick-off meeting will bring together scientists, stakeholders and authorities from Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Kosovo, R. Macedonia Romania, Serbia, Turkey, and UK, to:

- Discuss ESENIAS-TOOLS project working plan, tasks and activities;

- Discuss and approve common data forms, templates, questionnaires, protocols and methods;

- Plan future work and organisation of this work within the working groups with the participation of experts from all ESENIAS countries;

- Share information on IAS related initiatives carried out at regional level, such as national and local monitoring schemes, risk assessments, control and eradication projects, management plans and national strategies, citizens activities and responsibilities;

- Seek further opportunities for cooperation and networking on IAS in the region and collaboration with other networks and projects, such as the European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN).


Preliminary agenda >>>

ESENIAS-TOOLS workshop open day flyer >>>

List of participants ESENIAS-TOOLS Kick-Off Meeting (26-28 October 2015) >>>

Meeting report >>>

Information about the workshop in Phytologia Balcanica >>>