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WG6 Meeting Romania





The ESENIAS-TOOLS WG6 Meeting: Data collection, analysis, standardisation and harmonisation on alien terrestrial vertebrate species was held on 22-24 November 2015, in Constanta, Romania. The meeting was organised by the University Ovidius Constanta and attended by 24 participants, of which 6 from Bulgaria, one from Croatia, one from Turkey and 16 from various institutions from Romania.

A common preliminary list of alien species of terrestrial vertebrates for the ESENIAS region was presented and discussed. The discussions focused on the criteria required to include species on the list. A set of prioritisation protocols that include both the range and impact of the alien species was reviewed. It was agreed that a minimal set of criteria will be required for an effective process of prioritisation and only species for which the minimal information is available will be included in the prioritisation exercise for the project purposes. Several taxonomic questions regarding the status of some species were addressed.

The Case study 4 was presented. Modelling the ecological niche of invasive alien species requires detailed data both from the native range and also from the invaded region. Depending on the data provided, several species will be selected.

A field trip to the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve was organised. Histria Archaeological site at Sinoe Lagoon, and the coastal zone of the Black Sea at Vadu-Corbu were visisted.

More information and outputs of the meeting can be found in the meeting report (see below).


Agenda >>>

List of participants >>>

Meeting report >>>

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