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EIONET/ EEA/ ESENIAS Workshop: Managing Invasive Alien Species
in East and South European Countries: the Way Ahead


The Second ESENIAS Workshop – "EIONET/ EEA/ ESENIAS Workshop: Managing Invasive Alien Species in East and South European Countries: the Way Ahead" was held on 27-28 September 2012 in Belgrade, Serbia. The 2012 workshop was organized by the European Environment Agency, ESENIAS, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Serbia, Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade, Serbia and Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The Workshop brought together 33 representatives from 10 countries, the EEA, IUCN and NOBANIS. The workshop was held back to back with the 'International Symposium on Current Trends in Plant Protection', which enabled participants from the symposium also to join the ESENIAS workshop.


The objectives of the workshop were to;
- Develop a work plan with actions for the development of the ESENIAS network, including further improvement of cooperation and networking on IAS in the region;
- Follow up on the initiative to develop a review and/or checklist of IAS in the region in order to develop a regional inventory;
- Share information on IAS related initiatives carried out at the regional level, such as national or local monitoring schemes, risk assessments, control and eradication projects, management plans and national strategies; citizens activities and responsibilities, society and monitoring schemes;
- Plan future work and organisation of this work, including establishing a secretariat for ESENIAS and an information system on IAS in the region to enable sharing of data and other information on IAS;
- Explore options for cooperation with other regional and international organisations such as the EEA, NOBANIS and the IUCN;
- Develop the structure and organization of the dataflow to and within the ESENIAS website.


Agenda and Presentations: >>>
List of Participants: >>>
Meeting Report
Booklet >>>

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