

Distribution map


4th CZGA 2012





21-23 November 2012,
Bucharest, Romania



The Fourth Annual Zoological Congress of "Grigore Antipa" Museum (CZGA 2012) was held on 21-23 November 2012 in Bucharest, Romania (www.czga.ro). It was organized by the "Grigore Antipa" National Museum of Natural History in partnership with the Romanian Academy – Section of Biological Sciences and University of Bucharest – Faculty of Biology, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

ESENIAS presented preliminary results from a pilot study carried out along the Lower Danube in September 2012 within the frame of the project "Potential threats to environmental and economic sustainability in the Danube and Black Sea region: Danube River as invasive alien species corridor" and implemented jointly by the International Association for Danube Research (IAD) and ESENIAS (see the poster below).

A special session of the Congress was dedicated to "Invasive species". In addition, several contributions focused on issues related to the effects of climate change. With the permission of the CZGA organizers and the authors, for which we are very grateful, some of the oral and poster presentations can be found here:


Oral presentations

Leopold FÜREDER (Invited speaker) - Arctic and alpine streams as indicators of a changing world. >>>
Martin REICHARD (Invited speaker) - Coevolutionary host-parasite relationship between bitterling fish and unionid mussels and the lessons for ecology of invasions. >>>
Abraham bij de VAATE, Egbert A. JANSEN - The quagga mussel in Western Europe, particularly in The Netherlands. >>>
Pedro MORAIS, Martina ILARRI, Ester DIAS, Ronaldo SOUSA - Ecosystem-level impacts of a non-indigenous bivalve in a temperate estuary. >>>
Gabriela NICOLESCU, Alexandru VLADIMIRESCU, Valeria PURCĂREA-CIULACU - Invasive mosquito species – potential risk for Romania.
Adrian GAGIU - The first occurrence of Sceliphron caementarium (Drury, 1770) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) in Romania.


Poster presentations

Cristina TABARCEA, Florin TIMOFTE - Current state of invasive zooplankton species along the Romanian coast.
Ion TODERAȘ, Oxana MUNJIU, Elena ZUBCOV, Nadejda RAILEAN, Dorin DUMBRĂVEANU - New data on the invasive molluscs in Dniester and Prut River ecosystems. >>>
Teodora A. TRICHKOVA, Lubomir A. KENDEROV, Zdravko K. HUBENOV, Ivan S. BOTEV - Native and non-native freshwater mussels in the Bulgarian stretch of the Danube River: Danube field trip 2012. >>>
Ana-Maria KRAPAL, Oana Paula POPA, Anxo CONDE, Fabio CROCETTA, Marieta COSTACHE, Luis Ovidiu POPA – Genetic differentiation at microsatellite loci among populations of Mya arenaria (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from Europe. >>>
Luis Ovidiu POPA, Oana Paula POPA, Ana-Maria KRAPAL, Abraham bij de VAATE - Genetic variability of Dreissena polymorpha (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in The Netherlands.
Oana Paula POPA, Pedro MORAIS, Abraham bij de VAATE, Sabela LOIS, Teodora TRICHKOVA, Zdrazvko HUBENOV, Ioan SÎRBU, Elena Iulia IORGU, Ana-Maria KRAPAL, Marieta COSTACHE, Luis Ovidiu POPA - Morphometric and genetic comparison between different European populations of Corbicula fluminea (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Veneroida). >>>


See Book of Abstracts >>>


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