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EWRS 2013


ESENIAS participation in the 16th European Weed Research Society Symposium

The 16th European Weed Research Society Symposium was held at Ondokuz Mayis University in Samsun, Turkey on 24-27 June 2013.


The European Weed Research Society is an international organization, which was established in 1975. It is open to everyone who has interest in weed research and related topics. Its members come from governmental, commercial, university and independent research organizations: all having a particular interest in many different aspects of weed science and its technology.


EWRS Mission Statement
To support the development of weed science and exchange of knowledge between weed scientists, with a primary aim of improving weed management systems, emphasizing the sustainable use of natural resources and protection of the environment.


The 16th EWRS Symposium
The Symposium is the latest of a long and historical series of conference that gather scientists, researchers and technicians to present and discus the latest obtained knowledge on a broad range of weed science topics.


ESENIAS participated in the Symposium with a poster entitled: “Relation between combating with new emerging weeds and controlling weeds” presented by Ahmet Uludag with co-authors Milica Rat and Melanie Josefsson.


The poster can be viewed here >>>
Final Program of the Symposium >>>
More information can be found at the Symposium website: http://www.ewrs2013.org