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Risk Assessment Tools in Aquatic Species workshop



ESENIAS is co-organiser of a Workshop on Risk Assessment Tools in Aquatic Species, which will be held on 28-29 April, 2016, in Duzce, Turkey.The workshop is organised by the Duzce University, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, ESENIAS, and the Association for Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems (SUEKOS).


The aim of this workshop is to introduce and implement the AS-ISK tool (Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit), which is applicable to all aquatic plants and animals regardless of ecosystem (i.e. marine, brackish and freshwater) and fill the important gap on this issue in Turkey and other ESENIAS countries.

The deadline for abstract submission is 08 April2016, while the deadline for registration is 22 April, 2016.


For more information please visit the workshop web page >>>


The software for AS-ISK can be downloded from the following link >>>