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7th ESENIAS Workshop and Conference



7th ESENIAS Workshop with Scientific Conference


Networking and Regional Cooperation Towards Invasive
Alien Species Prevention and Management in Europe


28–30 March 2017

Sofia, Bulgaria


Organised by:





Funded by:



ESENIAS-TOOLS PROJECT, D-33-51/30.06.2015






Organising Committee

Scientific Committee

(in alphabetical order)

Teodora Trichkova (chair)
Anna Ganeva, IBER-BAS
Rumen Tomov, IBER-BAS
Vladimir Vladimirov, IBER-BAS
Violeta Tyufekchieva, IBER-BAS
Hristina Kalcheva, IBER-BAS
Yanka Vidinova, IBER-BAS
Mihaela Beshkova, IBER-BAS
Alice Cardeccia, IBER-BAS
Ivan Botev, IBER-BAS
Radoslav Stanchev, ExEA, ESENIAS
Ahmet Uludağ, ESENIAS
Milica Rat, ESENIAS
Barbara Stammel, DIAS
Florian Ballnus, DIAS
Csaba Csuzdi, DIAS
Teodora Trichkova, Bulgaria (chair)
Ahmet Uludağ, Turkey
Aljoša Duplić, Croatia
Ana Petrova, Bulgaria
Angela Bănăduc, Romania
Argyro Zenetos, Greece
Borys Aleksandrov, Ukraine
Cvetomir Denchev, Bulgaria
Dan Cogalniceanu, Romania
David Finger, Iceland
Dinka Matosevich, Croatia
Doru Bănăduc, Romania
F. Güler Ekmekçi, Turkey
Gábor Guti, Hungary
Giuseppe Brundu, Italy
Harald Kutzenberger, Austria
Milcho Todorov, Bulgaria
Milica Rat, Serbia
Milka Glavendekić, Serbia
Momir Paunović, Serbia
Necmi Aksoy, Turkey
Riccardo Scalera, Italy
Richard Lansdown, UK
Rumen Kalchev, Bulgaria
Rumen Tomov, Bulgaria
Sanja Radonjić, Montenegro
Sasho Trajanovski, FYR Macedonia
Stelios Katsanevakis, Greece
Vladimir Vladimirov, Bulgaria
Vlado Matevski, FYR Macedonia
Yuriy Kvach, Ukraine
Zdravko Hubenov, Bulgaria

Conference Overview


Networking and cooperation on invasive alien species (IAS) in different scales is crucial for theprevention and management of IAS and can facilitate the implementation of existing IAS instruments, such as the EU Regulation 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of IAS, which entered into force in 2015. There are severaljoint regional initiatives in Europe. The East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species (ESENIAS) was established in 2011 to facilitate solving IAS issues in the Balkan countries. Currently, 12 member countries and three invited countries have been involved in the ESENIAS activities: exchange and sharing of IAS information, capacity building, research, policy development and harmonisation. In 2014 the Danube Region Invasive Alien Species Network (DIAS) was established within the frames of Priority Area 06 of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region, International Association of Danube Research (IAD), and ESENIAS. Countries from the Upper, Middle and Lower Danube River basin, as well as adjacent Black Sea region participate in the network. DIAS strategy and work plan have been under development. Since 2015 a joint project: East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species – A tool to support the management of alien species in Bulgaria (ESENIAS-TOOLS) has been implemented. The project is funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014, and aims at networking and development of IAS tools (harmonisation of definitions and standards, listing and prioritisation of alien species, data collection, database development, education) within the frame of ESENIAS to support the management of alien species in Bulgaria and in the overall region.

The ESENIAS Conference entitled ‘Networking and regional cooperation towards Invasive Alien Species Prevention and Management in Europe’will provide a forum for presentation of multidisciplinary research activities on various topics related to invasive alien species, highlighting the importance of regional cooperation for finding solutions at national, regional and European scale.


Scientific Topics


1. Invasive alien species traits and trends – invasive alien species introductions and spread, biological and ecological characteristics; characteristics of recipient environment; invasive alien species and climate change

2. Vectors and pathways for invasive alien species introductions trade, transport, horticulture, aquaculture, agriculture, forestry, hunting, etc.

3. The Danube River as invasive alien species corridor – priority species for the Danube Region, impact on threatened species, specificity of biological invasions in Lower, Middle and Upper Danube River sections

4. Invasive alien species impact – environmental impact, impact on ecosystem services, socioeconomic impact and impact on human health; pests and pathogens

5. Invasive alien species prevention and management early detection and rapid eradication, surveillance systems; risk assessment and horizon scanning; control measures; restoration of damaged ecosystems; education, citizen science, strategies, policy and legislation; IAS networks and information systems, databases, data planning and management.


Important Information

The official language of the conference will be English.

Authors are invited to submit their contributions related to one or more of the scientific topics given above. The scientific presentations will be oral or poster. Each presentation should indicate the most appropriate topic. There will be no limitation of the number of scientific contributions by an author.

All contributions will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to change the scientific topic and form of presentation (oral/ poster) in case of thematic consideration or timing.



Abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in a Book of Abstracts.

The authors are invited to submit full papers for publishing in Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research (TRSER), http://stiinte.ulbsibiu.ro/trser/index.html. A Special Issue (Supplement) of Acta zoologica bulgarica (AZB, with IF), http://www.acta-zoologica-bulgarica.eu/, is planned and more details will be announced later.

All instructions for publishing are available at the corresponding journal websites. Only manuscripts prepared according to the instructions, revised (if necessary) according to the review and duly submitted by the deadline will be published.



Registration Fee is Not Required!


Key dates  

15 February 2017

- extended until 24 February 2017

Abstract submission:

15 February 2017

- extended until 24 February 2017

Full paper submission:

15 March 2017

- extended until 27 March 2017



Please download the Registration form here >>>


Abstract Submission

Please download the Abstract form here >>>


Please download the Conference announcement here >>>


NEW: Information about Conference venues, transport and accommodation >>>


NEW: Instructions for posters >>>


NEW: Instructions to authors of Acta zoologica bulgarica (2017) >>>


NEW: Instructions to authors of Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research >>>



NEW: Preliminary Conference Programme >>>



NEW: Book of Abstracts >>>



NEWConference Proceedings >>>




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For registration, abstract submission, full paper submission,

accommodation and travel information


More information about publishing will be available soon.