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EEA EIONET Balkan meeting


EEA/EIONET BALKAN MEETİNG ON NETWORKING ACTIVITIES ON INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES (IAS) was held on 17-18 October 2011 in Sofia. The meeting was organized by the European Environment Agency together with the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS) and University of Forestry in Sofia. The patron of the meeting was the Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria. Country representatives and experts from Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, as well as representatives of EEA, IUCN and NOBANIS participated in the meeting.


A new network on invasive alien species has been established. The name of the network is East and South European Network on Invasive Alien Species (ESENIAS), which will be hosted by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Water, Bulgaria. The network will be chaired by Ms Teodora Trichkova from IBER-BAS, Bulgaria, and co-chaired by Ms Milica Rat from University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Countries will be represented by two members: one will be from ministry or

public institution and one member from academia.


ESENIAS will be a regional internet data portal on IAS which will serve as a forum for sharing information and knowledge on:

  • IAS in East and South Europe – scientific names, biology, ecology, habitat, invasiveness, pathways of introductions, and impact (species lists, species factsheets; basic or more detailed information)
  • First findings, distribution and spread of IAS in East and South Europe (species alerts; interactive distribution maps)
  • Risk assessment and management information on IAS (risk assessment protocols, management option and practices, IAS action plans)
  • Regulations, guidance, scientific references related to IAS in the region.


See Agenda of the Meeting >>>

See List of Participants >>>

See Presentations >>>


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